Extra Photos of expedition
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Extra photos from the expedition.

Here is just a selection more photos, i have loads and have only displayed photos which give an inpression of Argentina and do not contain too many people or close up shots.

Walking up a mountian

This particual area was a bit like a moon set, as the rooks and gravely matterial. This day there was cloud blowing around

A stream

A mountain steam we walked beside. It is beginning to melt after the cold night

Catus and Snow

Taken on the way up in the bus to our start location. The contrast is great with the snow.


What looks like a gental canoe down stream, really it was very hard work.

Against the wind

Never been so tired as after that paddle up wind, you could not stop or slow down otherwise you started to go backwards. Progress was just so slow.

Our transport

Us getting onto our transport in Andresito to get to the project phase through the jungle.


Seen on our boat trip at Iguazu water falls